Helps to assimilate and calm emotional responses and sexual disorders that are related to guilt and self doubt.
Reduces the effects stress related skin diseases. It enhances you healing of stomach disorders. This stone will reduce the symptoms relating to skin allergies such as hives and dermatitis. It brings wholeness, happiness, a positive outlook and eases stress. Brecciated jasper draws excess energy away from the head, promoting mental clarity. It is and excellent aid to keeping your feet on the ground and achieving emotional stability.

Brecciated jasper is a jasper that can be veined with hematite. It releases toxins and heals your digestive system and stomach. Yellow jasper stimulates and opens the solar plexus chakra. It channels positive energy, which will assist in you feeling more vitality in the physical body, it enegises and clears the endocrine system. Yellow Jasper will protect you while participating in spiritual journeywork and any physical travel that you undertake. Use this stone when you have a task at hand that requires focus and mental endurance for a successful completion. Red Jasper reactivates your passion for living when you are feeling apathetic. Use this stone when healing blood related diseases or imbalance.

As it is a stone of fertility, red jasper supports healthy pregnancies and childbirth. It is useful for restoring, regenerating and rejuvenating your passion and libido. Use it when you are focusing on developing your strength and improving your vital life force. It reduces toxicity in the body and heals body functions that cause inflammation. It enhances the healing process of the digestive tract and it purifies all the physical bodies organs. It treats all types of skin disorders and dispels bloating in the stomach and bowel. Green jasper stimulates and heals the heart chakra. It will balance the parts of your life that have become over important to the detriment of other areas of your life. It helps you overcome obsessive thought patterns. Green Jasper heals and releases and encourages the healing from long term illnesses. Brown jasper strengthens your resolve to quit smoking. It improves your night vision, boosts your immune system, clears pollutants and toxins from your body and stimulates the elimination organs: kidneys, liver, lungs, skin and intestines. Brown jasper encourages deep meditation, centring and regression to past lives thereby revealing karmic causes. It is particularly useful for alleviating environmental stress. It brings stability and balance into your life. This stone sustains your energy during fasting, heals degenerative diseases and balances mineral deficiency.īrown Jasper is connected to the earth and encourages ecological awareness. It stimulates the throat chakra, balances yin yang energy and stabilises the aura. I have listed the most common colours and their healing properties in this section.īlue Jasper connects you to the spiritual world. Jasper generally is a combination of many colours, but each colour has individual healing properties. It absorbs negative energy, cleanses and aligns the chakras and aura. yellow jasper for the solar plexus chakra and red jasper for the base chakra. Jasper provides protection and grounds energies in the body.

When using jasper for the chakras ensure that the stone you have chosen is the correct colour for that chakra e.g. The different markings found on these varied representatives of jasper have led to them being traded under a plethora of imaginative names. Jasper is a mineral that can occur almost anywhere and appears in a wide variety of forms. When the silicic acid solidifies into quartz the clayey, sandy, or finely distributed particles remain and enclose within the jasper as it forms and give it its opaque colour and unique markings. It is formed in the sedimentary manner when the original silicic acid solution penetrates clayey or sandy rock or is itself permeated with a multitude of suspended particles. Jasper is a fine grained quartz with a host of foreign matter.